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Ricardo Tovar Mateus is a Colombian interdisciplinary composer, performer and curator. His work emerges from the versatility of his musical influences, contrasting aesthetics and exploring the intersection between visual art, music, and performance. As a composer his works have been performed in various venues in Europe, North and South America, South Africa and Taiwan. Currently an electronic arts PhD student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York.



Current projects include "And Then There Was Quiet" a multi-media installation with ambisonic sound, video projection and dance work. 4/28-30/21 at EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer) and a recording of his string quartet “El Recuerdo” with the Rhythm method on 6/21.


Participant twice (2008 and 2012) of the "International Summer Courses for New Music Darmstadt", and in 2009 of the "Summer Campus at the Rostock University of Music and Theatre". In 2009  winner of the Joseph Trattner composition competition "Abstract drinking on the work "The Other View". Participant of ISA (International Summer Academy) in 2010 and 2011, additionally that year he was awarded for his work "Lejano Sur''. In 2011, he  was a finalist of the ASFINAG (Soundlogo and Signation music) competition. Composer-in-residence of the contemporary dance festival "Crossings'' in Johannesburg, South Africa. Winner of the residency and scholarship awarded in 2017 by the Banff Centre for the Arts to participate in their "Concert in the 21st Century" and “Winter residency”. Winner of a composition stipend from the Austrian Chancellery in 2017. Participant of Mixture 2018 festival in Barcelona, Spain. 


He began his musical education at the age of nine at the youth program of the Universidad Pontificia Javeriana. where he additionally had his training as a composer and producer, focusing on instrumental piano, from 2003, until 2006. Settling in Vienna in 2006, He completed his studies as a composer at the MUK (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien) with Christian Minkowitsch, and at the same time completed his master studies as a composer for media at the University of Music and Performing Arts of Vienna with Reinhart Karger,  concurrently started a masters of advanced studies in arts  management.





Actualmente residente en Nueva York, lugar en el que cursa un doctorado en Artes Electrónicas en el RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Trabaja en proyectos de composición multimedial, en curaduría, planeación, y se desempeña activamente como solista en su proyecto musical MATEUS. 


El 28, 29 y 30 de abril estrena una instalación llamada “And then there was quiet” para el EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer).


Participante en dos ocasiones (2008 y 2012) del "International Summer Courses for New Music Darmstadt", y en el 2009 del “Summer Campus at the Rostock University of Music and Theatre”. En el 2009 fue ganador de la competencia de composición Joseph Trattner "Abstract drinking’’ con la obra “The Other View". Participante de ISA (International Summer Academy) en los años 2010 y 2011, este último, año en el que fue galardonado por su composición “Lejano Sur”. En el 2011, fue finalista de la competencia de ASFINAG (Soundlogo and Signation music). Compositor residente del festival de danza contemporánea “Crossings” en Johannesburgo, Suráfrica. Ganador de la residencia y beca otorgada en el 2017 por el Banff Centre for the Arts para formar parte en su  “Concert in the 21st Century”. Ganador de un estipendio de composición de la Cancillería de  Austria en el 2017. Participante del festival Mixture 2018 en Barcelona, España. 

Inició su educación musical a la edad de nueve años en la Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, lugar en el que tuvo también formación como compositor y productor, enfocado en el piano instrumental, desde el año 2003, hasta el año 2006, momento en el que se radicó en Viena, ciudad en la que finalizó sus estudios como compositor en el MUK (Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien) con Christian Minkowitsch, y al tiempo completó estudios de maestría como compositor para media en la University of Music and Performing Arts of Vienna con Reinhart Karger. En esa misma universidad completó su maestría  en dirección cultural.

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